Hi, I'm Pregnant.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Jumpsuit: c/o Nest Boutique
Top: c/o Nest Boutique
Booties: c/o Luca + Grae
Necklace: Made by Mary

Well, hello there.
It's been a while, hasn't it?
What's new you ask?

Not much really...


I'm growing a baby.

Actually, A LOT has changed since I posted last (in October, my goodness Ariel jeeeeez)!

Besides me being pregnant,
I got a (new) job,
and we bought a house.

So yeahhhhh. Pretty much all the big life changes that can happen to someone happened to us within the last 5 months and it's been such a whirlwind--but a good one! I seriously haven't been this excited about life and things to come in a long time and it's such an amazing feeling. We have been feeling so blessed lately with all these positive life changes, especially the arrival of our little one! I'll plan on doing an actual life update where I go into more detail about all our changes, but for now I'll just leave you with some fun facts about my current state of preggo-ness:

-- I'm due July 11th, which makes me 24 weeks this week. This pregnancy is flyyyying.
-- We are having a GIRL! Bows and dresses galore!!!
-- I lucked out and didn't experience any morning sickness in my first trimester. I am very very very very appreciative of that.
-- I have TWO sister-in-laws that are due within a couple months of me! I'm so excited for our kid to have cousins so close in age!
-- I crave anything and everything. Basically, I crave food.
-- I've been loving High Fitness as my form of exercise every week! If you haven't tried it out, you need to. I'm obsessed!
-- My favorite thing to dress my bump up in are jumpsuits! I love how it shows off little baby hami. One of my favorites is the one I'm wearing in today's post from Nest Boutique! Make sure you check them out!
-- We already have a name picked out! Only our closest friends and family know so if you're not in that category you'll just have to be patient and wait till July! :)

I'll try my best to be better about posting bumpdates! I miss having an outlet to save all my memories and thoughts so I'll be sure to post more often in the weeks and months coming. Let's cross our fingers I won't flake out for another 5 months again.... haha.

Alrighty fam.

Fall Vibes with Luca + Grae

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sweater: c/o Luca + Grae
Jeans: c/o Luca + Grae
Boots: c/o Luca + Grae
Hat: Forever 21

Sooooo summer is over.
That flew by.
The good news?


I don't care if I'm being basic by saying this but Fall is by far my FAVORITE season of the year. The weather, the fashion, the food (or themes of food, rather), and my goodness, the NATURE!!! Utah is so so sooooo beautiful in the fall, especially in the mountains and canyons! I'm always so blown away by the colors and how bold they are! I couldn't wait to snap some photos in the mountains and what better company to snap them for than Luca + Grae??

I've been a huge fan of Aspyn Ovard and her adorable fashion sense for ages, so naturally when she and Parker opened up an online clothing store, I was SOLD. I fell in love with Luca + Grae and basically wanted to empty my wallet to buy everything. Soooo imagine my excitement when they reached out to me asking if I wanted to collaborate! It's one thing when a company contacts you to work together--but when it's a company you already love?? Excitement level 1000000.

I was lucky enough to score some of Luca + Grae's new fall collection when it first hit the store and I was not disappointed by the quality and comfort of their clothes! For instance, not only does this Blue Moon Sweater look adorable, but it's SO. FREAKIN. SOFT. It feels exactly like bernat baby blanket yarn--maybe even softer. Also, I've been dying for some black jeans with knee slits so naturally these ones stole my heart. Mix it all together (Hannah Montana, anyone?) with a pair of these Trixi Booties and a cabby hat and it's my perfect, ideal fall outfit. So many warm, fuzzy feelings right now.

Make sure you check out Luca + Grae for all your fall wardrobe needs! And make sure you sign up for their newsletters so you can be updated on their new arrivals and restocks because their clothes sell out FAST (for good reason).

And Aspyn if you are reading this (maybe, hopefully)... I love you! :)

okay but seriously how gorgeous is this view.

Hope everyone is having an amazing fall!


Fit Life Tea

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Happy Wednesday my friends!
Today I'm coming 'atcha with an awesome way to kickstart that healthy lifestyle you've been craving.

I've always been a fan of trying new things to get my body (and mind) healthy and strong. Whether it's different kinds of exercises, special types of food, etc. I'm all about being open to trying new things and my most recent venture is doing a 14-Day Organic Teatox with an awesome company called Fit Life Tea!

For starters, let's go over some fun tea facts. Drinking tea has been linked with good health for centuries--in fact today, scientific research confirms that there is a connection between tea and fitness! Some benefits include: anti-aging protection, more energy, lower blood pressure, decreased risk of heart problems, more agile immune system, and improved mental function. Is that enough convincing for ya? ;)

Now let's specifically talk about Fit Life Tea's 14-Day Organic Teatox!
This teatox is designed to help kickstart your weight-loss journey. It's an all-natural herbal tea blend full of potent ingredients to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the body, as well as boost metabolism, reduce cravings and improve the texture and appearance of skin. It smashes cravings AND burns fat so you can have the body and lifestyle you dream of!

For 2 weeks you start your morning and end your evening by steeping a cup of teatox for a maximum infusion of essential oils and flavor. This process releases organic ingredients which eases bloating and digestive stress, while stimulating weight loss. 

Now what was my experience with it?
Well.......I loved it! :)

I've been itching to do some sort of detox for a while because I wanted to switch up my lifestyle, so when Fit Life Tea reached out to me to try out their teatox, I was more than excited! I'd been eating way too unhealthy and exercising way too infrequently. I didn't want to do a juice cleanse again because I wasn't in a place to commit to that process, so a teatox was the perfect step down of intensity for me. The first thing I noticed only a few days into my teatox was the absence of cravings. I found myself feeling full throughout the day, yet not bloated, which was a huge improvement for me. The second difference I felt was the energy I had! I felt good every day, which motivated me to make healthy choices like eating right and working out!

 I didn't do the teatox because I felt like I needed to lose a ton of weight. I did it because I felt like I was out of shape. I wasn't treating my body right. I didn't have the energy I wanted and needed. Doing this teatox was just what I needed to set my life in the right direction!

If you're looking for that extra "umph" to start living and feeling healthy, making sure you check out Fit Life Tea! I highly, highly recommend it. :)

Hope everyone has an amazing rest of the week!


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